Sunday, 8 February 2009

Birnbeck Pier

Well, I have been invited to contribute my images of the area to the blog too! What a privilege! I currently only have one photo of the area in digital form, so better get myself out there with my camera. This was taken about 3 years ago on the way to nightschool as the sun was setting. I couldn't resist stopping and taking a photo of the sun setting over the old Birnbeck Pier.

Note from Mountainboy - I didn't realise when I saw this photo last night (or when I look at it every day because it hangs in my room!) that Birnbeck Pier is the only pier in Britain that links the mainland to an island.  Every day is a schoolday.
Oh and would you believe it, Hans Price designed the toll house & pier head.  The Old Pier Society is determined to save this, the 'old' pier.


Jane Hards Photography said...

Welcome to the cdp. We have a Pier too that they are trying to save, but under different circumsatnces. Good to see another UK daily here with such a gorgeous image.

crocrodyl said...

Stunning photo! It makes impression!

Gerald (SK14) said...

I remember this pier from 2000 when I took this photo

Anonymous said...

speechless x Lisa