Wednesday, 11 February 2009


As the weather and an injury have stopped any prolific photography so far, I literally went on a drive by 'shooting' in the misery of a wet grey day. The results weren't amazing, the damp air and greyness giving rise to very flat pictures that lacked contrast. Although I can be a purist about photography, I say hooray for Photoshop on occasions like these (cue a discussion about traditional vs digital photography). I like the distinctive shape of Steepholm, and by playing with Photoshop, I hope I have maintained the integrity of Steepholm's shape whilst making a dull flat image a tad more interesting!


Mountainboy said...

That's a wicked job C!

I'd have it (will have it) up on the wall.

debtqueen said...

Is that a (not very subtle) hint??!!

Leeds daily photo said...

I quite like the effect on this photo. I have not been to Weston in many years, as a boy we used to go to butlins.